It started with a book club
United by a love of romance, fantasy and LGBTQIA+ stories we found that as our love of stories grew, so did our desire to share our discoveries with others.
Swoon was conceived one warm summer afternoon, on a comfy couch with a glass of wine and a board of cheese. An idea that initially sparked laughter but soon beckoned to be followed down a rabbit hole into a brand new world.
From our book club roots to our growing vibrant book community, we’re on a mission to dive deep into the joy that comes about from a great love story and spread the love of romance literature one swoon-worthy story at a time.

Kell (He/Him)
Manic Pixie Dream Boy who lives his life in 15 minute increments to schedule all of his side projects.
Has a passion for amplifying voices especially in the Queer community who may traditionally not have a platform.
He likes reading smut, pasta and a banger tune... Preferably all at once.

Rach (She/Her)
Your neighbourhood tragic Sapphic who has a passion for romance stories and community.
self proclaimed slow reader who squeezes the juice out of every moment.
She likes cozy, casual games, ice hockey and making homemade pasta... preferably at seperate times.